
March 23, 2010

Dialight CMO to Showcase Benefits of LEDs for Commercial, Industrial Lighting Applications at GLOBALCON

Date/Range:  23-Mar-2010

Short Abstract:  Dialight CMO to Showcase Benefits of LEDs for Commercial, Industrial Lighting Applications at GLOBALCON


Free Workshop Highlights Cost, Efficiency and Maintenance Advantages

GLOBALCON, Philadelphia, PA and Farmingdale, NJ (March 23, 2010) Dialight (LSE: DIA.L), an innovative global leader in LED lighting technology, announced today that chief marketing officer Dan Polito will present a free workshop on the basics and benefits of LED lighting technology in commercial and industrial applications at 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 24 for attendees of GLOBALCON 2010 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia.

The 20-minute workshop will provide a brief overview of LED, or light-emitting diode, technology and how this low-maintenance, energy-efficient lighting solution can be used successfully in commercial and industrial settings, such as manufacturing facilities, warehouses and even hazardous locations.

“LEDs have proven to be a more economical choice than traditional lighting over the long term in a variety of rough-service applications, such as street lights and traffic signals,” Polito said. “Their longer life and energy efficiency also make them ideal for industrial applications in reducing operating and maintenance costs, while providing the same, and sometimes better, quality of light as high-pressure sodium and other conventional sources, even in high-bay installations.”

Polito’s workshop will include a case study, detailing how one Dialight customer—Frontline International—not only cut utility costs and realized brighter illumination with fewer fixtures, but also reduced the company’s carbon footprint to achieve their “green” sustainability goals.

Polito’s workshop will take place in Presentation Area 2 of the GLOBALCON expo area in Hall D of the Convention Center and is free for expo-only visitors, conference attendees, seminar delegates and other visitors to the show floor.

GLOBALCON 2010 is presented by the Association of Energy Engineers and runs March 24-25.

For more information about Dialight’s LED solutions for commercial and industrial settings, stop by Booth #515 during GLOBALCON or visit