Sustainability Credentials and Affiliations

Dialight is proud to be recognized by several pre-eminent organizations related to ESG reporting. Additionally, Dialight is honored to be a member of several organizations seeking to advance social and environmental agendas in the industrial sector.

Rating Agencies & Green Revenue

Carbon Disclosure Project

The Carbon Disclosure Project is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. Dialight’s latest Carbon Disclosure Project ratings are as follows: Climate Change: B, Water Security: C, Supplier Engagement: B-.


ISS ESG Solutions enable investors to develop and integrate responsible investing policies and practices, engage on responsible investment issues, and monitor portfolio company practices through screening solutions. Dialight’s ISS ESG Corporate Rating is a C.


EcoVadis is the world’s largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings. The EcoVadis Rating covers a broad range of non-financial management systems including Environmental, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement impacts. Each company is rated on the material issues as they pertain to their company’s size, location and industry. 

Green Economy Index

The Green Economy Index recognizes London listed companies and funds that derive more than 50% of their revenues from products and services that are contributing the environmental objectives such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, waste and pollution reduction, and the circular economy. Dialight has now been adjudged to have 100% green revenue streams.

Responsible Business Alliance

The Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) is the world’s largest industry coalition dedicated to responsible business conduct in global supply chains. In order to demonstrate to our customers our commitment to sustainable production, we had our largest facility in Ensenada, Mexico assessed by them under their Validated Audit Program (VAP). This is a broad-ranging assessment of labour practices, health & safety and procurement ethics, the facility received a Silver rating.


Clean Lighting Coalition

The Clean Lighting Coalition (CLiC) is a global campaign to leverage expert knowledge and clean lighting stakeholders to transition global markets to safe, cost-effective, and energy saving LED lighting through the removal of fluorescent lamp exemptions in the Minamata Convention on Mercury. As a pure play LED lighting company for over 50 years, Dialight was proud to join CLiC’s Industry Partners in pursuit of a mercury-free lighting future.

National Lighting Bureau

The NLB is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1976 to educate lighting decision-makers about the benefits of High-Benefit Lighting®. The NLB is sponsored by professional societies, trade associations, manufacturers, unions, utilities, and agencies of the federal government. Dialight is proud to have its best-in-class warranty validated by the NLB’s Trusted Warranty Program, which recognizes excellence in lighting companies that meet objective quality standards and practices regarding their warranty administration.

Lighting Council Australia

Lighting Council Australia is the peak body for the lighting industry in Australia. The goal of Lighting Council Australia is to encourage the use of environmentally appropriate, energy efficient, quality lighting systems.

Net Zero Targets

Science Base Targets

The SBTi is a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) which allows companies to set science-based emissions reduction targets. Dialight has committed to Net Zero by 2040 and in support of this has submitted a plan to SBTi for verification during H2-23. Dialight has committed to Net Zero by 2040 and has had its plan approved by SBTi.

Environmental Product Declarations

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is an independently verified and registered document that communicates transparent and comparable information about the environmental impact of products in a credible way. Dialight is among the only industrial LED lighting companies currently providing EPDs for products. In addition to providing transparency on our products, this effort also helps to inform new product design by identifying opportunities to optimize materials and reduce carbon impact. Dialight is using data obtained from EPDs to help inform design of a fully recyclable, net zero fixture for industrial applications.

Organizations Supported

Women’s Earth Alliance

WEA is a 15-year global initiative that trains, resources and catalyzes grassroots women-led efforts to protect our environment and build healthy, safe, and just communities now and into the future. In 2021, Dialight was proud to be the sole sponsor of WEA’s COVID & Climate Resilience project in Tijuana, Mexico providing essential resources to aid in the pandemic and migrant crisis affecting the area. In 2022, Dialight continued its support of WEA by sponsoring the 2022 Grassroots Accelerator program which is designed to uplift frontline women’s environmental and climate leadership so they can accelerate their initiatives, grow their visibility, and scale their impact to meet the urgent needs of their regions as well as impact global sustainability goals.